Monday, August 29, 2011


It was very funny that Ella wanted to get into the kitchen during lunchtime, but couldn't do so. However, R did feel bad about laughing so hard about it, so she tried her best to contain her glee.


Got a couple knitting projects done to keep Baby warm on our upcoming camping trip up north. I learned a few new techniques, which is always fun in a project, but the very best thing is that everything actually fits!

First up is a pair of longies (ravelry link). These and the socks are made from Patons Classic Wool, which is not the softest or most pleasant-to-knit-with yarn, but it is inexpensive and quite warm. She'll wear the pants as a second layer, so itchiness won't be a problem. I also read that it pills over time, so reserving its use for utilitarian baby items that are quickly made seems a good choice.

And then some socks--or sock, I should say, as there is only one so far (ravelry)

And finally a snug hat (ravelry). This was made with Berroco Inca Gold, 80% merino/20% silk, and it is wonderfully soft, not at all scratchy, and has a really nice sheen. I loved the deep turquoise color, although in retrospect something in the red/pink/purple range might have been better, as it makes the still-bald baby girl look a bit boyish. Oh well, it will be very soft and warm and hide dirt and stains well. I can always add some sort of flower like this or this or this if I feel it needs some girlifying down the road.

And here she is in all her hand-knitted glory!

Cost breakdown, even using fancy yarn for the hat, is $3.70 for the pants, $4.08 for the hat, and a whopping $0.92 for the socks = $8.70 for wool warmies! I love baby projects!

A final note: I found this article on washing woolens to be very useful and encouraging for making things out of wool and not being afraid of hand washing them. I did buy some Eucalan from Amazon in the lavender scent many people raved about. Don't love the scent, though, so maybe I'll try a different one next time, although I can't imagine going through the bottle too quickly.

Friday, August 26, 2011

a little gardening

R decided to head out and see if she could liven up our scraggly container garden a little bit. After a mini photo shoot of course.

Okay, on to the watering. Wow, these need a lot of tending to.

That was exhausting! Is it time to go in yet?

We may not have saved the plants, but we sure had fun!

Hugs for elephant!

Friday, August 5, 2011

summer girl

With flip-flops and ruffly skirts on, we're loving summertime!
Working hard at the new puzzle from Grammy and Grandpa
And off she goes
Yes, we love summer!